Shannon Church of Christ


Benjamin Slocumb
Benjamin Slocumb was born on August 21, 1967 in Suffern, New York. Three years later his parents relocated the family to Atlanta, GA. In 1986, he graduated from Feldwood High School in College Park, GA. Then, in 1988, Benjamin married Chere Thomas and relocated to Jacksonville, FL.
Brother Slocumb and his wife were taught the gospel by one of his coworkers, Ronnie Jones.
Brother Slocumb has two sons, Benjamin and Blake. He and his family returned to Georgia in 1998; they attended the Old National Church of Christ for two years where he taught bible study classes. In December of 2000, he accepted the job as minister of the Shannon Church of Christ in Union City, GA where he presently serves.
Brother Slocumb has attended the McDonough Bible Institute and Georgia School of Preaching. He has spoken at various lectureships and several gospel meetings.
Gospel Meeting
South Seminole church of Christ - Gospel Meeting
January 2016
Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve
Buford church of Christ - Summer Series
July 31, 2013
Blessed are the Merciful
Buford Church of Christ - Summer Series
July 13, 2011